
Accounting, Banking and Finance

Accounting, Banking and Finance at 六合彩资料铁算盘 is known for its research impact. Our diverse student body and global outlook provides a unique student experience whilst our courses equip you with the knowledge and transferable skills needed for a successful career.

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Courses within accounting, banking and finance

Student Experience

Our current students talk about their experience of 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School so far and share advice on why you should consider studying accounting, banking and finance at 六合彩资料铁算盘.

0:00 Name is Fatima Abubakar. I'm from Nigeria and I'm studying business.

0:06 I'd like to say it's been magical and it's been better than I have expected.

0:11 I've learnt a lot, whether that's finance, accounting, marketing, e-marketing, brand management.

0:26 I think what I enjoy about it the most is the fact that it's broad.

0:30 So I can decide to specialised any way I want to basically.

0:35 It's going to help me achieve my dreams and basically just do everything I've ever wanted to. I think

0:43 it has helped me gain more confidence in myself because I think I've been worried about graduating.

0:49 I think the university has a lot to offer, especially with the business school, probably because that's the only thing I know.

0:57 They have like a wider range of business courses that you could just go for and study with.

1:05 Go for it. Don't even think twice about it. Go for it on. I promise 六合彩资料铁算盘

1:10 university would welcome you with open arms.

0:00 Hi, I'm Khalid a third year 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School student studying accounting and finance.

0:05 I knew I wanted to go to a business school and I was looking for a prestigious, reputable, collaborative

0:12 place and I think 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School ticks all the boxes for me I've learned a lot of things

0:18 especially practical stuff when it comes to the auditing field the finance field

0:25 studying some accounting software's for example Zoho. I studied courses such as What courses did you study

0:32 Corporate Finance which is very integrated with like stocks, bonds and how the financial

0:37 market works and how financial intermediaries works. I've been loving the support that I've听

0:45 been getting from my lectures, from my tutors, from my professors, I feel very heard I feel

0:53 like there's someone that I could talk to at any time at any moment and I believe

0:59 like whoever you are whatever you do there is a place here for you in 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School.

Do you have a question about life as a 六合彩资料铁算盘 student? Our ambassadors will be happy to help you find the answer.

They can tell you more about studying here, about the amazing Clubs and Societies we have, and how they made friends and settled in to life at university as an Accounting, Banking and Finance student.听

If you have any questions about the course, our lecturers are on hand to help. Below are some examples of frequently asked questions. Can you think of any more?听

  • What are the qualities of a successful Accounting, Banking and Finance student at 六合彩资料铁算盘?
  • How can I prepare myself to study Accounting Banking and Finance at 六合彩资料铁算盘?
  • How will I know that Accounting, Banking and Finance at 六合彩资料铁算盘 is the right choice for me?

六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School Facilities

Above is the 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School's Trading Floor. Within the space we have Bloomberg Terminals which students can access.

0:06 Well the staff are so friendly and accessible听 I knew I could go to them with any issues I听听

0:11 had or any questions about assignments it was听 a really relaxed atmosphere and relationship听听

0:16 that I had with them and I knew that they听 cared about what I was interested in as well.听听

0:21 I made the most out of the societies because when听 you come to University for the first time it was听听

0:26 nice to know that there was just so many different听 opportunities available there was a running听听

0:30 club, we would run around 六合彩资料铁算盘 sometimes in听 Treborth and that just offered the opportunity听听

0:36 to get out and about meet people again. I'm听 making friends now that I've made for life.听听

0:42 We do offer personal one-to-one tutee's and it's听 just a really colligative atmosphere to work in听听

0:48 and I do sincerely believe the students benefit from that听 as well. When students are actually engaging听听

0:53 with you which is fantastic and you know that听 you're making a difference that's really rewarding.

1:00 They were always happy to听 help any time you send an email they'd answer

1:03 so as soon as they could. Just that total support听 there all the time only an email away and all听听

1:04 the new friends I've made and all the communities听 in 六合彩资料铁算盘 it's great.

1:17 So I lived up at

1:18 the St Mary's Halls which is quite a nice little听 tight-knit community it was really good and really听听

1:23 refreshing as well to have people both from my听 course in my flat but also from other courses.

1:31 六合彩资料铁算盘 is such a beautiful area you've got Snowdon or the Wyddfa so close by and just听听

1:36 being able to climb that venture around to听 different parts of North Wales is brilliant.

Winter Graduation

Every year we see hundreds of students graduate from 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School in the Summer and Winter. Here is a look at what at some had to say as they reflect back on their time at 六合彩资料铁算盘 during Winter Graduation.

Riaz Anwar,听Lecturer in Accounting also shares her thoughts as she receives her University Teaching Fellowship. "When students are engaging听with you it's fantastic because you know that you're making a difference, that's really rewarding." -听Riaz Anwar

Margaret Cowan - 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School Alumni

Graduate Profile Margaret Cowan

I am certain I would not be where I am today if I had not studied at 六合彩资料铁算盘. Without the dedicated support and encouragement from my lecturers, I would not have pushed myself to apply for a master鈥檚 and would most likely have settled for a job I wasn鈥檛 satisfied with. Instead, I completed my MSc and started a position I am incredibly passionate about straight out of university.听

 George Krokos 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School Alumni

Graduate Profile George Krokos

I choose 六合彩资料铁算盘 due to the ranking of the Financial Economics course, the syllabus, and the location of the University. I grew up in the centre of Athens and thus wanted to move to a more remote and smaller town. 六合彩资料铁算盘's located in one of the most beautiful parts of the UK, that coupled with the university鈥檚 student satisfaction statistics made me take the plunge and I must say I never regretted it!

Salima Behilil 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School Alumni

Graduate Profile Salima Behilil

The nurturing nature and unwavering support I received from my lecturers in 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School during my amazing three year experience has instilled into me a level of confidence that I have since encompassed into all aspects of my life.

Bogdan Pop a graduate of 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School

Graduate Profile Bogdan Pop

六合彩资料铁算盘 was the foundation to my professional career. I learnt a lot about Banking and Finance and developed a discipline which was very helpful in my career.听Participating in course-related activities and competitions gave me an excellent opportunity to improve my skills and differentiate myself from others when applying for jobs.

Ahmed Dhaif a 六合彩资料铁算盘 Graduate by the Menai Bridge.

Graduate Profile Ahmed Dhaif

My experience at BBS continues to shape my life on many levels. I have come to understand more about the academic culture, diversity, and most importantly having a sense of purpose in life, and this is on-going and shall only be improved in the years to come.听

Meet the team Ian Roberts Lecturer in Sustainable and Ethical Banking

Meet Ian Roberts a Lecturer in Sustainable and Ethical Banking here at 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School. Having worked in industry for many years Ian has a lot of knowledge and experience that he bring to his teaching. Ian has interests in a range of areas including听Financial Crime and Financial Ethics and Regulation and is currently teaching both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.听

Meet the team Dr Laurence Jones Lecturer in Finance

Meet Dr Laurence Jones Lecturer in Finance here at 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School. Laurence has lots of experience working in industry having worked as Head of Data and Analytics for a Fin-Tech startup听dealing with stock recommendations, as a data scientist and as a mathematician/statistician.听

Meet the team Dr Shee Yee Khoo Lecturer in Finance

Meet Dr Shee Yee Khoo Lecturer in Finance here at 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School. Shee-Yee has particular research interest in credit ratings, corporate finance and behavioural finance and is currently teaching both Undergraduate and Postgraduate classes.

Meet the team Dr Danial Hemmings Lecturer in Finance

Dr Danial Hemmings is a Lecturer in Finance here at 六合彩资料铁算盘 Business School. Danial has broad teaching experience in the areas of Corporate Finance, Behavioural Finance, Financial Markets, Financial Management, Accounting and Accounting Communication and is currently teaching a range of modules at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.

0:00 Hi I'm Natalia Ehenulo, I'm from Reading. A lot of the exams obviously written and

0:06 you know for me particularly we're doing either equations

0:09 or we're doing essays but the lecturers also take the time to really go through

0:14 software systems that you will do eventually when you come out even if we don't do it in the

0:19 exam for example stator and Excel we can't do those in the exams but they think about the long

0:24 term, the longevity of our skills as well and they make sure we do that we've done it in assignments

0:30 I know for credit risk analytics we have to use a Excel to calibrate the Merton model I know

0:37 for research methods and financial econometrics we've also had to use Stata and these are really

0:42 employable skills. I know when I was looking for jobs outside of University that a lot of companies

0:49 ask us to have proficiency in Excel or python r or some sort of data software and having those skills

0:56 already enabled in us really makes it easier to fill out those applications and meet the skill

1:02 requirements that employers are looking for. It definitely did help and it's definitely something

1:08 that I'm glad that I've had the opportunity to do whilst being here.

1:11 [Music]

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